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Set Up MediaWiki For No Registration And Read Only

Posted on May 07 2009

A few times recently I have been asked to set up what is basically a personal wiki for someone. I have recommended MediaWiki for it’s ease of use and the first thing I have had to do after the install is disable registrations and make the wiki read only so only the owner can edit it.

I am posting the couple of lines needed for the config file LocalSettings.php to stop me having to google them again as much as anything but I’m sure someone else can make use of this.

This line disables new registrations from the wiki :

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
The following line disables eidting :

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
There are many useful things that can be done to configure how users can or cannot edit pages etc and a lot of them are covered here